Overview the Congress > Final Program




Thursday, 27th:                                                                                         


10:30 - 11:30        Registration - Lobby of the Congress Sector


11:00 - 12:00        Welcome brunch - Lobby of the Congress Sector


      11:50              Group-Picture


12:00 - 12:30        Opening Circle - Large Conference Hall


12:30 - 13:30        Keynote Speaker: Nenovsky Nikolay

UNWE, LEFMI, University of Picardie Jules Verne, Bulgaria

Interpreting Balkan monetary history

Room                    Large Conference Hall

Moderator              Rossitsa Toncheva and Leander Bindewald


13:30 - 14:00        Break


14:00 - 15:40        Zoom-Session A: “Brazil: Innovation and Law”

Room                    Large Conference Hall

Moderator              Georgina Gomez


Freire Marusa, Former Central Bank of Brazil

Local Digital Complementary Currencies: Empowering Local Authority


De Oliveira Leonardo Martins, Fundação Getulio Vargas, Brazil; Sanches Bruno Henrique

The Emergence of Digital Socio - Municipal Currencies: An institutional change perspective of the Arariboia coin's case


Torquato-Fernandes Andressa, Fluminense Federal University, Brazil; Rodrigues Vespasiano Dos Santos Ana Clara, FEMPERJ, Brazil

Paying salaries in local currency: legal alternatives


Rigo Ariadne, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil; Torres Silva Júnior Jeová, Federal University of Cariri (UFCA), Brazil.

Social currencies as public policy instruments: The case of municipal social currencies in Brazil


14:00 - 15:40        Zoom-Session B: “Bridging the world”

Room                    Small Conference Hall

Moderator              Peter Brass


Stamm Christoph, Université de Montréal, Canada.

Circuits of Commerce of Local Currencies: a Case Study


September Jeremy, The University of Hyogo, Japan; Kobayashi Shigeto, Sapporo City University, Japan

Japanese Passbook Communities: An investigation of the Japanese Adaptation of the LETS Community Currency Mechanism


Maquito Ferdinand, University of the Philippines Los Baños; McAngelo Antonio Miro,Sekiguchi Global Research Association, Philippines; Kenichi Kurita, Chiba Keizai College

A Circular Flow Economic Framework for an Agent-Based Model of a Community Currency


Ussher Leanne, Bard College, USA; Avery Keyvious, THRIVE ON! Network, USA; Jameson Rob, Thrust Hub Kingston, USA; Marks Michael B., THRIVE ON! Kingston and University at Albany, USA

Strategies to Build Trust in Complementary Currency Systems in a Progressive US Community: A Case Study of Kingston, New York


14:00 - 15:40        Zoom-Session C: “Rates, Labels and Risks”

Room                    IIPTT Conference Hall

Moderator              Silvia Trifonova


Nakova Rositsa, New Bulgarian University, Bulgaria

The impact of ecolabel knowledge to purchase decision


Goldman Sarah, Lux-SIR, Scientific International Research, Luxembourg ; Nenovsky Nikolay, UNWE, Bulgaria, LEFMI, University of Picardie Jules Verne, France; Zhang Shouyi, LEFMI, University of Picardie Jules Verne, France

Central Banks and Climate Change Risks: Potential Monetary Prudential Tools


Toncheva Rossitsa,UNWE, Bulgaria; Stoyanov Peter, UNWE, Bulgaria

The Economological U-Turn – a trigger for creating ethical financial models


15:40 - 16:00        Break


16:00 - 17:30        Panel 1: “Data - Analysis and Modelling”

Room                    Large Conference Hall

Moderator              Leander Bindewald


Criscione Teodoro, Central European University; Freiburg Institute for Basic Income Studies, Austria

Circulation of a digital community currency


Hayakawa Hitoshi, Hokkaido University, Japan, Maekawa Jun, Osaka University of Economics and Law, Japan

Introducing Community (Crypto)currency in Sequential Fund Transfer Scheme


Metzger Martina, Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany; Farroukh Arafe,Université Tunis El Manar, Tunisia; Peist Moritz,Technical University Berlin, Germany; Pédussel Wu Jennifer, Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany

Critical issues in the institutional design of digital community currencies: A comparative analysis


16:00 - 17:30        Panel 2: “Brazil - France: Diversity and Comparison”

Room                    Small Conference Hall

Moderator              Bruno Théret


Faria Luiz Arthur, UFRJ and FGV EAESP, Brazil; Ribeiro Bruno Chapadeiro, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil; Cukierman Henrique L., Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Diniz Eduardo H.,Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Brazil

Centralizing or sharing the digital community currencies governances? Proposing ways of thinking DCCs from the Mumbuca case


Blanc Jérôme, Sciences Po Lyon, France;Fare Marie, Université Lumière Lyon 2, France

Solidarity and territorial resilience: local currency experiments during the Covid-19 pandemic


Faria Luiz Arthur, UFRJ and FGV EAESP, Brazil; Pupo Carolina Gabriel De Paula, University of São Paulo, Brazil; Pavan Beiro De Souza Henrique, Universidade Federal do ABC, Brazil

Municipal currencies in Brazil: potentialities and limits beyond the case of Banco Mumbuca (RJ)


 17:30 - 17:45        Break


17:45 - 18:45        Keynote Speaker: Greco Thomas (http: beyondmoney.net ), USA

Private and complementary currency systems:  purposes, principles, practices, and performance

Room                     Large Conference Hall

Moderator              Rossitsa Toncheva



19:00                    Welcome drink (Lobby of the Congress Sector)



 Friday, 28th:                                                                                              


9:00 - 10:40          Zoom-Session D: “Theory Applied”   

Room                    Large Conference Hall

Moderator              Leander Bindewald


Gelleri Christian,University of WÜRZBURG, Germany

The Chiemgauer and the Quantity Theory of money


Lafuente-SampieroOriane,University Lumière Lyon 2, France

Local convertible currencies as an economic development tool for local businesses? Findings from an panel econometric analysis on french companies joining a Local Convertible Currencies


Wheatley Gerald,University of Calgary, Canada

Quantitative Social and Economic Outcomes of Complementary Currency Systems within the Affordable Housing Sector


Ruddick Will,Grassroots Economics Foundation, Kenya; Johnson David,iNethi; Hadzic Senka,iNethi, Zambia

Mesh Networks and Mutual Credit Type


9:00 - 10:40          Zoom-Session E: “Digital Innovation”

Room                    Small Conference Hall

Moderator              Tsvetelina Marinova


Mqamelo Rebecca,Minerva University, USA

Community Currencies as Crisis Response: Results from a Randomized Control Trial in Kenya


Petz Marcus,University of Jyväskylä, Finland; Finch Diana,Bristol Pay Community Interest Company, UK

Tokenomics beyond the blockchain: Bristol Pay building forward resilience in the legacy of the Bristol Pound


Rodrigues-Santos Teresa R.,São Paulo School of Business Administration – FGV-EAESP, Brazil; Diniz Eduardo H., São Paulo School of Business Administration – FGV-EAESP, Brazil

Governance and architecture of solidary cryptocurrencies


9:00 - 10:40          Zoom-Session F: “Novel Concepts”

Room                    IIPTT Conference Hall

Moderator              Christoph Freydorf


Delandre Pierre,Centre d'études en écologie politique, Belgium; Derudder Philippe,Researcher at L'homme en devenir, Canada; Fert Fabien,Independant Researcher, France

Outline of a multi-currency system to meet contemporary challenges


Perera Kalani,University in Thailand, Sri Lanka; Randeni Leel,Ministry of Environment, Sri Lanka

Food Mandala as a Complementary Currency System for Bridging Communities across Sri Lanka


Alaraj Maen,Global Communication Planning Co. Ltd, Good Money Lab, Japan; Nishibe Makoto,School of Economics, Senshu University, Good Money Lab, Japan

Smoothing Away the Stagnation Problem of Community Currencies with “Customized Communities” based on Satisfaction Prediction by Neural Networkraffaell


Miteva Diyana, UNWE, Bulgaria


10:40 - 11:00        Break


11:00 - 12:30        Panel 3: “Argentina - cases and ideas”

Room                    Large Conference Hall

Moderator              Rolf Schröder


Gomez Georgina, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Money and the poor; socioeconomic stratification of currency circuits in Argentina 1995 - 2005


Orzi Ricardo, Universidad Nacional de Luján, Universidad Abierta Interamericana, Buenos Aires, Moneda PAR, Argentina;
Raffaelli Paola, Lund University, Moneda PAR, Sweden; Porcherot Raphael, Institutions et Dynamiques Historiques de la
Société et de l'Economie, Paris, France, Moneda PAR
; Camargo Federico,Universidad Nacional de la Matanza, Moneda PAR;
Valdecantos Sebastián, Aalborg University and co-founder of Moneda PAR, Buenos Aires, Argentina

The notion of debt in mutual credit systems: some insights from the experience of Moneda PAR


Sbatella Jose, IEFE, Argentina

Alternative currencies: instruments for disconnection

11:00 - 12:30        Panel 4: “Future proofing”

Room                    Small Conference Hall

Moderator              Jérôme Blanc


Baraniga Ester, Lund University, Sweden

Re-making money for an inclusive economy: Universal Basic Income in complementary monies


Gregory Lee, University of Nottingham, School of Sociology and Social Policy, UK

Meeting complex social needs: a role for time banking?


Marinova Tsvetelina,New Bulgarian University, Bulgaria

Social credit in the Balkans: genesis, forms, and long-term development


12:30 - 13:30        Lunch


13:30 - 14:30        Keynote Speaker: Théret Bruno

CNRS within IRISSO, Paris Dauphine University, France

Proudhon’s theory of constituted value and philosophy of money:
from labor value to worker value and the Bank of the People

Room                    Large Conference Hall

Moderator              Peter Stoyanov


14:30 - 14:45        Break


14:45 - 16:15        Panel 5: “Theory - Integration & Integral”

Room                    Large Conference Hall

Moderator              Leander Bindewald


Place Christophe,University of Lancaster, UK

Integrative Review of Integral, Mixed and Creative Methods Research Approaches to Currency Innovation and its Impact through 102 articles published in the International Journal of Community Currency Research from 1997 to 2013 as a preliminary study


Freydorf Christoph, Cusanus Hochschule für Gesellschaftsgestaltung, Koblenz, Germany

Towards a Universal Classification of Monetary Systems: Subdividing Monetary Functions and Comparing Steering Patterns


Martignoni Jens, NetHood.org, Research, Zurich, Switzerland

Outline of a Coordination Theory of Money



14:45 - 16:15        Panel 6: “Currency Innovation - Divers Cases”

Room                    Small Conference Hall

Moderator              Ester Barinaga


El Bay Malik, Encointer, Switzerland; Brenzikofer Alain, Encointer, Switzerland

Encointer - Local Community Cryptocurrencies with Universal Basic Income


Yoshida Masayuki, Joetsu University of Education, Japan; Shigeto Kobayashi, Sapporo City University, Japan, Miyazaki Yoshihisa, National Institute of Technology, Sendai College, Japan

Impact of digitalization of money on people’s perceptions of community currencies: A gaming simulation


Giachi Luca, National Research Council, Rome, Italy; Proia Francesca, National Research Council, Rome, Italy; Tuzi Fabrizio, National Research Council, Rome, Italy; Cavallaro Chiara, National Research Council, Rome, Italy

Complementary currencies in Italy. Economic practices and regional legislation


16:15 - 16:45        Break


16:45 - 17:45        Keynote Speaker: Belmonte Susana

Independent Economist, Spain

Complementary Currencies and Other Alternative Monetary Proposals
in the Post-growth Economy

Room                    Large Conference Hall

Moderator              Rossitsa Toncheva

19:00                    Gala dinner with folklore program




Saturday, 29th                                                                                          


9:15 - 10:45          Panel 7: “Visions”

Room                    Large Conference Hall

Moderator              Luca Giachi


Joly Louis-Maxime, Université du Québec en Outaouais, Canada: The institutional organization of local currencies: exchange and compensation as issues for intercommunity cooperative development


Brass Peter, Independent Author, Germany: Profit and utility - To make sustainability and solidarity affordable


Ocampo Juan, Lund University, Sweden: Organising Money


9:15 - 10:45          Panel 8: “Conceptials”

Room                    Small Conference Hall

Moderator              Jens Martignoni


Nishibe Makoto, Senshu University, Kanagawa, Japan: The nature of modern money as 'ideational money' that diversifies as private money such as community currencies and cryptocurrencies - in view of evolutionary perspective


Bindewald Leander, monneta.org, Germany: Beyond vain typologies and false dichotomies: applying practice theory to characterise CCS


Schröder Rolf F. H., Independent Author, Germany: New Evidence about the Swiss Wirtschaftsring (WIR): An Example of the Deficits of Conceptual Frameworks in Complementary Currency Research



10:45 - 11:00        Break


11:00 - 12:30        Panel 9: “Mexico - Cameroon - Japan”

Room                    Large Conference Hall

Moderator             Masayuki Yoshida


Caballero Claudia,Multitrueke Mixiuhca, México; BernalVictor, Multitrueke Mixiuhca, México, Ocampo Quetzalli, Multitrueke Mixiuhca, México

To live free of money-debt, let's create our own community currencies


Quermann Antonius,Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Germany, Stuedemann Robert,Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Germany

Introducing CCS in rural Cameroon: OurVillage practitioners report


Shigeto Kobayashi, Sapporo City University, Japa; YoshihisaMiyazaki, National Institute of Technology, Sendai College, Japan

Data Utilization of Digital Community Currency for regional economic policy: Case of TARCA in Otaru, Hokkaido

11:00 - 12:30        Panel 10: “Backed Currencies - Quo Vadis”

Room                    Small Conference Hall

Moderator              Christophe Place


Spears Jared,Schumacher Center for a New Economics, US

Taking Berkshares Local Currency Digital”


Rycombel Marlena,University of Warsaw, Poland

Blockchain as a social bonding technology? The Brixton Pound example


Radeljak Florencia,Lund University, School of Economics and Management, Sweden

A methodological approach to address the role of CCs in sustainability


12:30 - 13:30        Lunch


13:30 - 14:30        RAMICS Members’ Meeting

Room                    Large Conference Hall

Chair                     Georgina Gomez


14:30 - 15:00        Break


15:00 - 16:30        Open Space Session

Room                    Large Conference Hall

Moderator              Leander Bindewald


16:30 - 16:45        Break


16:45                    Closing Circle

Room                    Large Conference Hall

Moderator              Rossitsa Toncheva


19:00                    Cultural Event: Musical theatre

                             https://musictheatre.bg   100, Vasil Levski str., Sofia  (navigate with google-maps: click here)




Sunday, 30 th                                                                                                      


8:20 - 20:00          Excursion - Bachkovo Monastery and City of Plovdiv (European capital of culture 2019)




 The event is organized with the support of the "Scientific Research" Fund;
Number of the co-financing agreement: КП-06-МНФ/25 from 27.09.2022 г.


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